Lead Pastors
Pastor Lonny and Lori Adams
Both Pastor and Sis. Adams graduated from Ozark Bible Institute and College in 2006. They’ve ministered together as a team since then, working as Youth Pastors, Children’s Evangelists, and Lead Pastors. They have one son, Evan.
Pastor is a Podcast junkie, loves history, and music from the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. Hershey’s milk chocolate are his favorite.
Sis. Adams loves decorating, spending time with Evan, and her favorite restaurant is Cheesecake Factory. Her dream vacation is Bora-Bora.
Evan is loving life as a PK (Preacher’s Kid) and greets everyone with a smile and big toothy grin. Dad is his favorite preacher and mom gives his favorite hugs.
#evanthewarrior is God’s promise fulfilled.
Church Board
Joe Farmer, David Dixon, Collin Barnett